Biopsy for Histopathology
1. Put the Biopsy Specimen in a Container filled with 10% Formalin
2. Label the Specimen container with patient’s full name and Anatomic site
3. Send the Specimen with the filled request form (Patient’s Initial Data & Brief Clinical, Laboratory & Clinical Information)
Note: In case the specimen is collected at night or holidays, Please keep the specimen in the formalin container and room temperature.
Peripheral Blood Film (PBF)
1. CBC is required for all Patients coming for Peripheral Blood Film with a suspicion of Blood diseases. Please get a copy of your CBC result from your hospital
2. Malaria: no prerequisite.
3. Filariasis: The sample collection for patients suspected to have filariasis is done midnight so please visit or call our center for more guidance (Mob: 0614102040)
PAP Smear
Physicians can either perform the PAP Smear test in their clinic or collection rooms or Send the patient to Sagal Pathology Center.
If you prefer to perform in your clinic, Kindly inform us as we will provide all the materials required (PAP kit, Speculum, Fixative, etc).
Once the test is performed, the Specimen can be kept in room temperature until delivery
Semen Analysis
Patients are required to strictly adhere the following instructions:
1. Consult with the referring doctor or call us before giving the sample
2. Patient should abstain from intercourse or masturbation for at least 3 to 4 days prior to collection of semen.
3. Masturbation is the preferred way to give the sample, NOT Coitus by using condom nor Coitus interruption by withdrawing the penis
4. Once Masturbated, Direct the Sperm into a Clean Sample cap (container); The cap should be labelled with patient’s Name and Age.
DON’T use lubricant or other substance during masturbation because they may kill the sperm or affect the interpretation.
5. Once Semen is Collected, the Sample should be delivered to our Laboratory within 30 minutes in Compliance with the World Health Organization’s recommendation
Note: We recommend collecting the sample at the hospital designated rooms.